Anna & Matthew’s Butler Fountain Elopement at New Orlean’s City Park

Real Elopements,
4 min read Jul 2, 2021

A random meeting led to a wonderful romance for Anna & Matthew (a meet-cute involving cheese fries!). They had grand plans for a big wedding. However, when an opportunity to wed during a family New Orleans Mardi Gras holiday came along, they embraced the idea! Simply Eloped stepped in to help them plan their elopement in only twelve days. There were some exciting moments, such as their venue having to change 48 hours before the ceremony. As luck would have it, Anna & Matthew loved the new venue at Butler Fountain in City Park more than their original choice! There are so many wonderful things about this elopement…the #dogofhonor, the flower girls in white dresses, the walk down the ‘aisle,’ and the joy on Anna & Matthew’s faces. Read on to find out how Simply Eloped managed the timeline on this wedding and how the couple weathered an ice storm on their honeymoon!

How did you meet? What was your first impression of one another?

Anna: We met in line getting cheese fries on a random night out before the world shut down.

When did you first fall in love? How did you know?

Anna: I knew instantly. Matthew knew a month later on our second date. Everything was shut down, and there was no possibility of a proper date. We drove around sharing our favorite music and just talking about our lives. He said he never wanted that date to end.

How did you propose or accept the proposal?

Anna: All of our grand plans for a big wedding never made sense with Covid going on. We had a family trip planned to New Orleans to celebrate Mardi Gras family-friendly style since parades had been canceled. Twelve days before we left for our weekend, we decided to elope with just our close family there. The night everyone got to our Airbnb in Treme, Matthew got down on one knee and asked if I’d be his forever. We celebrated with cheese fries and champagne! 

What do you love about your partner?

Anna: Matthew is steady. No matter how bad our struggles are, he’s always there for me, never retreating.

Matthew: Anna Claire is caring and loves me for who I am. She’s gentle, but she’s also the strongest, most resilient person I know.

What is the greatest strength of your relationship?

Anna: Our stubbornness to never quit one another. 

Why did you decide to elope?

Anna: We’ve known for a long time that we were each other’s person. When Covid hit, we, like many others, examined what was most important to us. We decided that was celebrating with our closest family and starting our life together as soon as possible!

How did you find Simply Eloped?

Anna: I googled elopement in New Orleans, and it was in the search results.

How did you know Simply Eloped was the right fit for you? 

Anna: With such a short timeline to elope, I knew that I needed someone to help me check some of the major boxes off my to-do list. After one conversation with my helper from Simply Eloped, I knew between her expertise and my hyper organization that we could get married in 12 days! 

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What attracted you to the venue you chose for your elopement?

Anna: Our venue was changed just 48 hours before our ceremony. We had planned to get married at Jackson Square, where Matthew and I had spent our first Christmas together just a month before. At the last minute, the mayor decided to close Jackson Square to all of the public, including privately rented events. A sweet man from New Orleans Parks called to tell me of the last cancellation and then selflessly called around town to find me a replacement venue. He helped me secure Butler Fountain at City Park. It was perfect! It was much more private than Jackson Square would’ve been, and the Spanish Moss and Oak Trees were magical. 

What did you do before the wedding? How did you get ready? How did you feel in the moments leading up to your elopement? 

Anna: We spent the morning of our wedding visiting all of the houses decorated for Yardi Gras! We were both so excited, but the New Orleans atmosphere was laid back, which made for a stress-free wedding day! 

Tell us about your experience with Simply Eloped leading up to and on your big day! 

Anna: Simply Eloped was so helpful every step of the way, answering my daily emails and questions. 

How did you celebrate after your elopement? 

Anna: An ice storm hit the SouthEast,However, at and we were iced in from going back home. We stayed our first night at the Hotel Monteleone and then moved to an Airbnb for the rest of the week. Our favorite part was being able to be in New Orleans on Fat Tuesday and Ash Wednesday.

What words of encouragement do you have for those considering eloping?

Anna: 10/10 would recommend eloping and using Simply Eloped. Matthew says 100/10 recommends it!



Officiation by: Michele Zeller
Photography by: Natalie Wilson
Planning by: Simply Eloped
Venue: Jackson Square, New Orleans

Real Elopements
Written by Janessa White

Janessa White is the co-founder of Simply Eloped and has helped thousands of couples plan elopements. As an expert in the field, she has been featured on, Vox, and HuffPost. Janessa thinks elopements are the ultimate way to tie the knot.