The Complete Guide to Eloping in Maui

Elopement Tips & Advice,
25 min read Sep 3, 2024

Aloha! Welcome to your Hawaiian elopement! Eloping in Maui is literally choosing to wed in paradise. It’s all about eternal sunshine, sparkling white sand, and lush rainforests. The charming little beach towns are brimming with culture. The Hawaiian Islands are the place for couples looking for a tropical getaway where they can wed barefoot on the beach. It doesn’t hurt that the romance factor is off the charts. Did you know that the Hawaiian language has words and expressions for love that have no English equivalent? The famous Hawaiian wedding vow says it all: “aloha aku no, aloha mai no – I give my love to you, you give your love to me.

Maui is wildly exotic (the 2nd largest of the Hawaiian Islands) with its winding roads along rocky coves and world-renowned beaches. Inland you will find spectacular waterfalls, dormant volcanoes, and lush forests. Everywhere there is majestic beauty. The island radiates the values of the people and the land – simplicity, organic style, and rich traditions. One of the best parts of marrying in Maui is that you may choose to embrace the Hawaiian wedding culture. How about exchanging leis, blowing the Pū, or a sand ceremony? And there is the ever-present perfume of tropical flowers. The whole vibe is low-key and spiritual – just what you want when eloping.

Not into reading? Watch Simply Eloped’s tip video on How to Elope in Hawaii!

Makena Cove by Kawai Manzano - Yentl + Alan

Simply Eloped is all about simplicity and stress-free elopements, and affordability. So, of course, we think one of the best things about eloping in Maui is that it is the perfect place to ‘honeylope.’ The two of you can wed AND honeymoon at the same time and place! And fend off all your jealous friends when you get home. Maybe share some of the famous chocolate Macadamia nuts you brought back! We have helped thousands of couples elope over the years, so we want to share some of our wisdom for eloping on the Hawaiian island of Maui.

Why Elope In Maui?

A Maui elopement offers the best tropical wedding in the country. Hands down. So if that is your dream vision for your wedding/honeymoon, it doesn’t get any better than Hawaii! You will also love the relaxed approach to ceremony permits on Maui. They want you to have your happily ever after ceremony, and it shows! The people and land of Maui offer a welcoming and generous spirit that invades your entire time on the island. They have a special word for this spirit – lokomaika’i. It’s noticeably unique and helps create the feeling of Hawaiian love – yes, it sounds cheesy, but it’s real. (Speaking of cheese, check out Elvis’ Maui beach movie – but that Hawaiian wedding song makes us tear up every time.)


Maui also offers the best of everything. Superb cuisine, famous hotels and so much to do and see. And an amazing culture to learn about and experience. You are still in America, but it’s hard to tell! It’s a world-class trip without leaving the comfort of your own country. It’s the romance of 50 First Dates or From Here to Eternity for the vintage crowd. And the aloha spirit makes it a super friendly laid back place to wed. Did we mention grass skirts and hula lessons? Ok – maybe not for everyone, but still! (Also, everyone will ask if you are ‘just maui’ed,’ which is kind of funny?!).

Simply Eloped makes eloping in Maui a super fun, easy and romantic experience for you. So we are going to share our wealth of knowledge about Maui elopements. Here are some of the questions we will answer:

  • What are the legal requirements to elope in Maui?
  • What time of year is best to elope in Maui?
  • How do we get to Maui?
  • How do we go about getting a Maui beach permit?
  • How to Love Your Maui Elopement Ceremony
  • Where are the best places to wed in Maui?
  • How to find the best Maui wedding vendors +
  • Where to celebrate, stay and play in Maui

Samantha Dahabi

Let’s Get Real About Your MAUI Elopement

There are a few things you need to know. It’s better to plan in the real world than be disappointed. A tropical paradise tends to attract tourists. So try avoiding eloping during the high season (we will discuss the ins and outs of the seasons later). You will not be the only couple looking to wed. So the rule of thumb is to book everything as soon as possible.

And Maui is expensive. This is not the place for you if you want to bring a gaggle of guests. If you ask family or friends, be sure they can afford the trip. You are eloping on Maui because you love it – not because it is the cheapest place to elope. So, you have to be willing to plan any activities far ahead of time – reservations are essential for everything important. You can wing it when it comes to nature but not for anything to do with people or places! Literally, the earlier you plan, the better the deals. It’s one of those times when being a planner will save serious dollars.

Oh – and please learn the word ‘kapu.’ That means ‘stay out’! So if you see that word on a sign, please don’t just go past. Hawaiians and locals are incredibly welcoming and generous, so if that sign is up, it’s for a reason!

Create your perfect elopement package. Get a quote!

The Legalities of  Your MAUI Wedding

Yes, you will need a Hawaii marriage license. The process is unlike any other destination. But Hawaii, in general, is known for being mellow, so don’t panic. You can make it part of your elopement story. The most important thing is to remember that this is not a last-minute thing.


So here is how you can go about getting your license. Unlike on the mainland, there isn’t a central City Hall or other that you can drop into on the fly. You MUST make an appointment with an agent of the state. The stay busy so this is definitely one of the first planning pieces you should tackle after you’ve booked your airfare, hotel and elopement vendors. You can file your application and pay online. It’s the easiest way to tie up the legal knot. And then you make a marriage license appointment. If you are looking for some nostalgia, you can print and fill out a paper version. When it comes to your appointment, you will need to bring the following:

  • Your completed paper application or printed receipt of the online application
  • $70 or receipt of online credit card payment
  • Drivers License, Military ID, or Passport
  • The Two of You! Both people applying for the marriage license must be present.
  • You must have a wedding officiant whom is registered with the state of Maui as a minister of the state; otherwise your ceremony won’t be legal! (All Simply Eloped officiants are registered with the state and ready to help you in any way they’re able).

Remember: the license expires 30 days after issuance, and you need to bring the license with you to your ceremony. So just make sure you have your appointment booked and that you have allowed plenty of time for this in your plans. There are so many agents on Maui and again, they book up fast, so don’t delay on this front!

Just Maui’ed by Samantha Dahabi - Elizabeth + Joel

How To Get To Your MAUI Wedding

The traditional airlines serve the Island, and we recommend you book far, far in advance. Airline ticket prices vary wildly depending on the time of year. December through February are the most expensive times. You will most likely fly into Oahu and take a short, local plane trip to Maui. Keep in mind that you can fly directly to Maui, saving time even if it is costly.

Once you arrive on the Island, be sure to rent a car if possible. Again, reserve far in advance. The thing about islands is that there is only so much of everything, including rental cars. But Maui is best seen with a set of wheels. And if those wheels include an open roof, then even better – driving around Maui with the breeze in your hair is highly recommended! This is the time to go crazy and get a convertible or jeep. The Island is made for exploring – a lovely way to spend your days before and/or after your wedding. You can actually drive around the Island in a day during the quiet season (without stopping, obviously!). Taxis and Ubers are available on the island if you are not one for driving during your vacation.

Hawaii by Jeep by Bea Becker - Sara + Dominic

Warning! The traffic on Maui can get a little crazy. So start early in the morning and plan to get stuck in traffic from time to time. It’s part of the charm of being on an island. That’s how we prefer to think of it!

Wedding Permits On MAUI

Let’s face it – most engaged couples coming to elope in Maui are looking for the Pinterest beach wedding. That’s what Maui exists for, in our opinion!. So you will need a beach permit. This is when we remind you that Simply Eloped will take care of that for you when you book your no-stress elopement! But, if you are getting a beach permit on your own, here is how to go about it. (We highly recommend you get the permit + take a pass on getting ticketed!)

First, choose your ceremony location. Next, apply online and get your permit. Yes, it’s that simple. Maui wants you to have your happily ever after, so they work with you. The costs are $20 for 200 sq ft and an extra $0.10 for every additional square foot. But, if you need more than 200 sq ft to elope, we want to hear from you! You are allowed up to 30 guests with this permit but look into each location and how that would work IRL. A large number of guests (‘ohana’ meaning family or extended family) are not usually a thing in Maui, but if it is, your local vendors will help you figure out the best spot for your entourage.

Makena Beach - Samantha Dahabi - Hannah + Natalie

Your permit gives you two hours to tie the knot. You are not allowed to have alcohol or large decor. Chairs are only permitted for the elderly or disabled. And music must not be amplified. You are allowed a small podium. So, basically, don’t be obstructive to others.

It is important to remember that all beaches in Maui are public. A beach permit does not change that. It means you cannot ask anyone to move for your elopement ceremony. Of course, most people will give you your space, but if this is not something you are comfortable with, you should look into a private location (Simply Eloped has that option!). You can head to the beach after for your romantic photos.

Ironwoods Beach by Samantha Dahabi - Kyra + Noah

When To Tie The Knot In MAUI

The tourist season is key to deciding when to elope in Maui. Nothing stops you from tying the knot during the tourist season, but you have to be prepared for the crowds and the added expense. So, if possible, try to plan for the off-season. Traditionally, this means eloping between March and November.

The next issue is weekdays vs. weekends. Aim for a weekday if at all possible. It cuts down on the number of tourists and offers the two of you more privacy. Local vendors will know the ins and outs of the best moments during a weekday.

What time of day is very important. If your Maui elopement vision means a newlywed kiss while the sun sets behind you, start your ceremony around one hour before sunset. A traditional ceremony usually lasts 20 to 30 minutes, leaving you and your photographer time to plan those epic shots.

Sunset Hawaiian Kiss by Samantha Dahabi - Sara + Bryan

Maui Elopement Weather Is The Best

We don’t say this lightly, but it is hard to find a lousy season for an elopement in Maui. It is gorgeous year-round. But even in the most beautiful spots in the world, there will come wind and rain, so be prepared. Yes, of course, it rains – it’s a tropical rainforest. But Hawaiians call rain ‘liquid sunshine’ for a reason. Even in the worst downpour, it is still warm, and the sun is often still shining! Umbrellas are necessary at all times in Maui – one never knows when the liquid sunshine will visit! Did we mention that there are spectacular rainbows? Still, if you are looking for perfection, April to early October is the best weather time.

Secret Cove - Samantha Dahabi - Danielle + Trevor

Love Your MAUI Elopement Ceremony

There are so many reasons to love your ceremony in Maui. Obviously, you are already over the moon with the beach, rainforest and waves. But your Maui ceremony can be just as beautiful and unique as the landscape around you. Simply Eloped offers traditional Hawaiian wedding ceremonies as an option because we think it’s what makes Maui special. So how can you include the spirit of Aloha into your Maui elopement?

Samantha Dahabi

You will likely begin with the ancient Hawaiian tradition of blowing the pū (conch shell). It announces the beginning of a momentous occasion. The conch shell will be followed by the Hawaiian wedding chant “Oli Aloha’ preparing for blessing and welcoming the couple and their guests. The ring exchange comes with a blessing involving Koa wood, a Ti leaf, and water representing good health, prosperity, and a brand new beginning.

When you first dreamed of your Maui elopement, we imagine you thought of the ceremony leis. Leis are an integral part of any Hawaiian wedding. The leis represents love, and so the bride is presented with a pikake leis (jasmine) or pink Lakelani rose, and the groom has a Ti leaf leis. They are open-ended to symbolize endless love. One of the loveliest moments of a traditional ceremony is placing these on each other representing your love, respect, and gratitude.

There is more! We love the ‘tie that binds’ ceremony where the official ties your hands together with a maile leis (one of the oldest leis steeped in culture and made of dark green vines twisted together) and chants an oli (Hawaiian chant). The chant speaks to devotion, peace, and respect. The Sand Ceremony is now famous at any beach wedding as it is a moving moment when there is an extended family. The mixing of handfuls of sand symbolizes the bride and groom coming together. Hawaii has its version, with the Lava Rock ceremony honoring connection and commitment. The lava stone, symbolizing strength, is wrapped in a Ti leaf and left behind as an offering to Mother Nature and a lasting union. The final piece is an oli or chant that asks for aloha in your marriage and is a prayer that honors the breath of life.

That’s a lot! You can choose to include all or none. But, since you have come to the Hawaiian islands, why not bring all the ancient ways into your ceremony? We highly recommend watching previous elopements before choosing your kahuna or kahu (literally translated as Hawaiian holy man!!). Once you reach Maui, you will realize that even the way the word ‘aloha’ is said can become a performance! A Hawaiian wedding ceremony is something highly specialized and intense. But you can choose a more lighthearted take on the traditional. So look, listen and then decide.

What about music at your Maui ceremony? You can choose just to have the sound of the waves and wind, or you can embrace the distinctive tones of Hawaii. The slack key guitar and ukulele are what create that famous sound. You can hire local musicians to ‘play you down the aisle’ or even hula dancers who will interpret the music. And, of course, it’s impossible not to mention the ‘Hawaiian Wedding Song.’ (For sheer over-the-top Hawaii sound, check out another song from Blue Hawaii!)

White Rock by Samantha Dahabi - Brianna + Allen

Keep in mind that you will be walking through sand, rocks, and forest. So bring footwear that works for all scenarios. You can go barefoot for your actual ceremony, but getting to the beach could be painful without shoes! Always bring umbrellas in case the Hawaiian gods decide to bless your union.

We love this elopement ceremony we performed in Maui – it’s all the Hawaiian aloha feel wrapped up in one beach wedding!

The Hawaiian wedding dress code is super casual, where the all-white look reigns supreme. (Nothing stopping you from dark colors, though!). There are no rules, but grooms love that the white linens are considered a formal style in Hawaii (and shorts!). Tropical menswear also includes the famous Hawaiian print shirts, which can actually look great if chosen carefully! The heat encourages lightweight fabrics, for sure. Brides usually opt for flowy beach-friendly gowns but Simply Eloped has also seen the super formal. Flowers are crucial. Other than the lei, you can also go for a bouquet, head wreath (known as a haku), and flower lei on your ankles and wrists. You can literally go blooming crazy, and it’s completely normal! So whatever your bridal style – go for it!

TIP: Be sure to tuck that gorgeous bloom behind your left ear, near your heart, which signifies you have a lover! The right ear means you are available.

Hawaiian ceremonies embrace love, commitment, and romance and are a feast for the senses. Enjoy the ride! Pro tip – learn some of the words and phrases of the romantic language of love used on the Islands. You will understand and love all the more the color and aloha spirit surrounding your Maui ceremony.

Hawaiian Look by Kathryn Haldiman - Christopher + Andrew

Eco-Friendly Elopement In MAUI

So this is when we remind you to always adhere to the Leave No Trace principles. There are so many tourists visiting Maui, and you want to do your part to leave things as natural as when you arrived. This is extra true in Hawaii. There are a lot of ancient + sacred sites to the local people, and you are on the land of their ancestors. Please keep this in mind!

The Best Ceremony Locations In MAUI (according to Simply Eloped!)

We know that you are eloping in Maui for the scenery so let’s check out the very best Maui elopement spots. It’s hard to choose when perfection is all around, but we did it, so you don’t have to!

Makena Cove

Makena Beach by Kathryn Haldiman - Balaraj + Erendira

This breathtaking spot is tucked away behind a lava rock wall, thus earning its nickname of ‘Secret Cove.’ The white sand is stunning, while the palm trees stand guard around the black lava rocks. It’s an extraordinary location to exchange vows, and it doesn’t get more Maui than this. The sunrise is the best time for this location as not many tourists are around. But there is pretty much never a wrong time to elope on this postcard-perfect Maui beach. Limited street parking is available and easy to access—an absolute fav for eloping couples. Simply Eloped can’t wait to help you wed at this iconic beach, so don’t wait to book your date!

Palauea (White Rock)

White Rock by Sierra Boyer - Elizabeth + James

White Rock is a unique beach featuring hidden rock nooks, golden sand, sea turtles, and a view of other islands in the distance. It offers more secluded areas, a score for a Maui elopement! The best thing is the lovely Hawaiian overgrown forest beside the beach. There are public access trails just waiting for the two of you to wander through. The South Shore location offers easy access, guest parking, and hotels nearby but no washroom facilities. The dates for this magical beach go fast, so book your ceremony asap with Simply Eloped for a no-stress experience!

Ironwoods Beach

Samantha Dahabi - Kyra + Noah - Ironwoods Beach

Ironwoods Beach is a hidden gem along the island’s northwest, with dramatic cliffs bordering the beach. A lovely boardwalk tops the more diverse landscape and offers views as far as the eye can see. There are natural lava rock formations and endless white sand. Limited parking and no restrooms, but don’t let that discourage you. This beach is one of the best spots to say ‘I do’ on Maui, so let Simply Eloped plan lifetime memories for the two of you.

Dt Fleming Beach

Samantha Dahabi - Curtis + Jessica - DT Fleming Beach

DT Fleming Beach is a remote yet accessible beach on the west side of Maui, where the wind and surf are stronger. The landscape and views are over the top amazing. The perfect spot for the couple looking for a wild beach feel. You will sense the majestic landscape around you as you exchange your vows. Restrooms and parking are available. Simply Eloped will arrange everything for you, so let us help you plan your forever ceremony.

Paipu Beach

Paipu Beach by Colleen Hunter - Daniel + Martha

It takes a little hiking over some oceanfront lava, but once you reach Paipu Beach, you will be thrilled with this secluded spot! This beach has many different names, but its captivating views are what we love. Tons of parking, and easy to access. Simply Eloped would love to help you lovebirds elope at Paipu Beach!

Kula Botanical Garden

Kula Botanical Garden by Kathryn Haldiman - Sarah + John

If you love the tropical look but don’t like sand where it ought not to be, then take a peek at this Maui venue. The eight-acre oasis of gardens features tropical and semi-tropical plants and trees. The park’s history began in 1968 when it first was an architectural garden display. It showcases waterfalls, rock formations, a covered bridge, and a koi pond. Some of the ceremony locations you can choose from include gazebos with views and a lanai (balcony) over the koi pond. Kula Botanical Garden is a lovely private option where you can be assured of intimacy and quiet. (And we guarantee you won’t have to think about a thing if you let us plan your garden elopement here!) You can shoot those epic beach photos after at the nearby Keawakapu Beach.

Anywhere In MAUI!!

Maui by Kathryn Haldiman - Maddie + John

Simply Eloped plans a lot of elopements for couples who have chosen their own backdrop in Maui. Some Airbnb owners are open to weddings on their premises (always check!). Other couples have a special spot in mind. Whatever your dream location, we can make it work! So tell us all about your vision, and we will make it happen with no stress!

MAUI Elopement Vendors

It’s always a question for couples who are destination eloping in Maui – how to find the right vendors? Simply Eloped takes care of that for you. We have been working with experienced Maui wedding vendors for years. They know the ins and outs of the weather, the tourists, and the sunsets. And they are often a tremendous wealth of knowledge when it comes to local food, off-of-the-beaten path photo locations, and where to find the very best of everything Maui. So just mosey on over, book your Simply Eloped Maui elopement, and we will introduce you to your very own team of vendors!

Makena Beach - Coleen Hunter - Emerald + Valerie

Officiants are always a very personal choice, but Hawaiian officiants take that up a notch. Each one has their own style and takes on the local culture. Make sure you are comfortable and love the ceremony. Arrange for ceremony traditions to suit your level of comfort. That’s the blessing of customizing your ceremony!

If you are choosing your vendors yourself, be sure to vet them thoroughly. There is a large wedding industry in Maui for obvious reasons, so there are many choices. Interview and really scrutinize your options based on reviews and your vision. Or, you know, just let us do it! We specialize in personalizing every elopement for every couple.

Maui elopement by Kathryn Haldiman - Mario and Favio

Where To Stay For Your MAUI Wedding

There are so many options for where to stay while eloping in Maui. There are eco-friendly adventure hideaways, Airbnb condos to out-of-this-world homes, small travel hotels, and inclusive resorts. It’s all available, so the first thing is to figure out what sort of stay you envision. Is a spa a must for you? Would you rather hang ten at the surfing beaches? Will a simple hotel do?

Once you have clearly in mind what you want, you can look for the best place. The Island is generally split into East, West, and South Maui, with North Shore and Up Country rounding things out. You may also want to consider how near you wish to stay to where your ceremony will be.

The first and most obvious would be the world-famous Hawaiian resorts. You can choose between expensive and utter luxury. We jest, but not really. But if you have chosen to wed in Maui, you already know that it is not a cheap choice. There are ways to cut it back, but you will want to decide if you are willing to sacrifice. So, where to stay when everything is high-end?

Ka’anapali Beach boasts stunning oceanfront and mountain views and consists of various resorts, hotels, villas, cottages, and condos. It is the perfect place if you never want to lack activities and restaurants. Four Seasons Resort in Wailea is hands down the best Hawaiian palace vibe on the island, and it is a once-in-a-lifetime stay. We love the Westin Maui Resort & Spa for its views and experience. Don’t miss out on the authentic Hawaiian experience at the Grand Wailea Waldorf Astoria Resort. Lahaina Shores Beach Resort is the only one to be right in the heart of a town. All the local shopping and cuisine is right out the door. Hotel Wailea boasts romance and seclusion at a peaceful adults-only retreat. The Hyatt Regency Maui Resort & Spa was voted the most romantic for a honeymoon! And we kind of love the look of Plantation Inn in Lahaina.

Looking to hang in Pai? Stay at the Pai Inn up on the North Shore. Or at Inn at Mama’s Fish House for a captivating experience (it’s more than just the best food in town!). Lumeria is primarily a retreat experience, but you can choose just to kickback.

Check out Kula Lodge and Restaurant and the Hale Ho’okipa Inn if you go upcountry. And if you are hanging out in this artsy area, make sure to eat at T Komoda Bakery. This little town is all about Hawaiian cowboy history, which is unique!

TIP: You can cut some costs by choosing to elope during the off-season, so try to book mid-September to November + February to May).

Ironwood Beach by Samantha Dahabi - Yufan + Alex

What To Do On Your MAUI Honeymoon

There is no end to the incredible opportunities waiting for you and your honey on Maui. The Island is famous for its natural wonders, so day trips are a great place to start. Plan your jaunts out in different directions on the island, which is generally broken into ‘west’ and ‘east.’ (We kind of love the adventure days planned by this couple!) Maui is actually a lot smaller than many may think, but that adds to the simplicity of enjoying all the beauty.

Simply Eloped recommends the Road to Hana as a must-see. You wind your way up along the island’s mountainous northern coast to the small town of Hana. It will be a day you will never forget as you experience the waterfalls, parks, ocean views, beaches, shops, and food stands on your way. You will also never forget the turns and one-lane bridges, so make sure the braver of the two of you drives!

Other day trips include some of the world’s best beaches, hikes into the dense rainforests, and surfing the waves. Simply Eloped is a big fan of the hippie surfing town of Paia. Chill vibes all over the place, heavy waves, fantastic food, and tons of little shops filled with eccentric items. Keep in mind that Maui’s north shore has seen waves reaching up to 60 feet. Stay in your lane if you are an amateur surfer!

Whale watching is a must-do on the island. We recommend a whale-watching cruise as it’s just a fabulous way to experience this loving life moment. And if you are at all a horseback rider, you can ride on the beach during sunset. Seriously. It’s just like the movies.

The beaches of Maui are made for honeymooners. The pristine sand, turquoise waters, waves, and blue skies are the stuff dreams are made of. So be sure to set aside time to soak in all this beauty. Choose your beaches wisely. Some of the best surfing in the world awaits you but know the dangers. No point getting in over your head! Hamao Beach is one of the best for wave watching, swimming, snorkeling, and admiring some of the world’s best surfers. Kihei Beaches are calmer, and even novices can try their hand at surfing here. The waves lap more gently at these beaches, and it is the sunniest spot on the island.

Maluaka Beach and Big Beach loom large for beach enthusiasts. Grab your budget snorkeling rentals and head out for the day. Walk towards the black rocks on Maluaka, and you will likely find some sea turtles near the coral reef. Big Beach is one of the most beautiful beaches, and you can climb the rocky outcrops nearby. PS – there is even a nude beach here!

We have to talk about the breathtaking trails on Maui. Hiking on the island is next level. Blowholes, volcano craters, mountains, and beaches are just a few of the natural wonders you will see. Did you know there are 2500 native plant species in the Hawaiian Islands? Not to mention the birds and animals you will find. The eco culture here is strong for those interested in learning about it. And you can reward yourself with a quick dip on many of the trails. Don’t forget good hiking gear, water, and a rain jacket! And, as always, listen to the warning signs. Cliffs can appear suddenly, so it’s a great excuse to hold hands!

Simply Eloped is a big fan of eloping at sunrise or sunset. But we think you should also take in an evening at the dormant volcano Haleakala. It’s about an hour and a half from Kihei. The drive through the clouds to 10,023 ft above sea level is an incredible experience, but watching the sunset from atop the volcano is a life moment. The ultimate in rainforest romance! (Believe it or not, it gets chilly up here – take a light jacket and smooch!)

Don’t forget the amazing adventures you can have snorkeling, scuba diving, ziplining, swimming with sea turtles and manta rays, golfing, and eco hiking. Don’t leave without going to a lū’au feast and trying to learn to hula dance (always good for a laugh and some hilarious selfies). And if you are truly going through your bucket list, we highly recommend a helicopter tour of Maui or a sailboat whale watching experience with SailTrilogy!

Makena Beach by Coleen Hunter - Jairo + David

Eating On MAUI – Celebrating Your Elopement

Celebrating your Maui elopement is distinctly Hawaiian. There are just so many local tastes and foods. You will find international cuisine, but many restaurants serve traditional Polynesian food (don’t be shocked when you see a roasted pig in the middle of your table!). You can even throw a lū’au for two! Or join a larger celebration with live entertainment (usually hula dancing and flame throwers) alongside multiple courses of traditional tastes. It’s a ton of fabulous food where you will likely find the Hawaiian dishes of poi, Kulua, and poké. Or you can celebrate with an intimate dinner for two on the beach surrounded by tiki torches.

Maui is expensive, as we have said, so you can look to save money by cooking some of your meals or watching where the locals go to eat. Most hotels have small kitchenettes, and if you are in an Airbnb, you can save some serious cash eating in or packing picnics (saving money was never more romantic!). But if cooking during your wedding week is not your jam, then embrace eating out and enjoy some of the best cuisines you will ever experience.

Let’s start by stating – again! – that you need to reserve. Some of the best food on the island is booked months in advance! So when you are planning your elopement, try to imagine when and where you would like to eat and then reserve. You will feel like rock stars as you sail by all those ‘fly by the seat of their pants’ travelers.

So, where should you reserve? Of course, with all the couples we have helped elope on the Island, we have a few opinions on where you should eat on Maui!

Mama’s Fish House is world-famous for many reasons. The hospitality, the food, and the view. Be sure to try the homemade ice cream and their signature cocktail. Joey’s Kitchen is known for its creative fusion culinary experience. You won’t have to reserve at the red truck of Maui Fresh Streatery, but don’t miss the award-winning food! Chef Morimoto is consistently creating some of the best Japanese at Morimoto Maui. Hawaiian tastes are simply the best over at Poi by the Pond. You will be blown away by the beach view and the food at Pacifico on the Beach! If you are looking for the brewing spots, check out Maui Brewing Co., which has some pretty incredible local tastes (macadamia nuts in your burger!). Leilani’s on the Beach boasts a casual vibe and is known to have locals hanging out – which is always a good sign. And we love the vibe at Maui Tropical Planatation! For a modern take in a historic setting be sure to taste at Lahaina Grill.

Merriman’s Maui showcases local ingredients, elegance, and panoramic ocean views. Kō Restaurant is part of the Fairmont resort and boasts a famous local Maui chef. Go for the food and stay for the luxury! Star Noodle is world-renowned for its take on Japanese.

If you are upcountry, try Ulupalakua Ranch Store & Grill. You will be surprised by the food! And if you have made it to the top of the road to Hāna, look for Huli Huli Chicken. There is no website, and it’s cash-only, but it’s worth tracking them down. Or, for a sit-down, visit The Bamboo Hale at Hāna Farms for their take on pizza. The Tin Roof is a takeout joint, but the food is glorious and not to be missed. The Paia Fish Market is affordable and delicious! TBH, some of the best food on the island comes from food trucks and local stands. Keep an eye out for lineups, and jump in! Or check out the latest food lists for Maui from the critics!

Don’t forget the wine tours available on Maui. A relaxing way to spend a day together. Like everything else on the island, there are world-class wines. The wineries are across the island and feature, of course, stunning scenery and gorgeous tasting rooms. Start with Maui Wine (reserve!!), where you can sip on pineapple wine in the former guest cottage of Hawaii’s famous King, Kalakaua. Don’t miss The Hawaii Sea Spirits + Organic Farm and Distillery for a traditional take on spirits.

Eating in Maui is a real delight and a true fusion experience. International foods, local cuisine, and traditional dishes mix it up, and you get to enjoy the flavors as part of your tropical elopement experience!

Ironwoods Beach - Samantha Dahabi - Jeffrey + Sally


We hope that we have helped you plan your idyllic elopement in Maui. The wonders of the Hawaiian Islands provide a backdrop like no other for your wedding. And, guaranteed, you will never regret exchanging your vows in a traditional Hawaiian ceremony. Maui caters to lovers with endless things to do, see, taste and experience. So, don’t waste another minute, and book your Simply Eloped experience – as they say, get maui’ed in Maui! Mahalo!

Samantha Dahabi - Jorge and Giselle

Elopement Tips & Advice
Written by Janessa White

Janessa White is the co-founder of Simply Eloped and has helped thousands of couples plan elopements. As an expert in the field, she has been featured on, Vox, and HuffPost. Janessa thinks elopements are the ultimate way to tie the knot.